Saturday, November 01, 2008

way past speeding.


learning to cross-post. maybe you're right, haha. stupid creating a blog thinking no one will read it. duh. its online. haha. yeah.

listening to the cd you gave me 6 months ago. woah. 6 months. and on wednesday, it'll be 7. imagine that. 7. didn't think it'd last this long, did you?

i'm sleepy. i'm sure you're sleeping now. guess what, you're stalker is back and has been blocking the messages i sent you as well as the ones you sent me. i just read the ones you sent, by the way. a little over 3 hours too late.

i've been researching. haha. just trying to get insights on how i can make it better. luckily, you know enough for the both of us. wide reader much?

yeah. about kanina. we both know its inevitable. when it does happen, though, well, hopefully we're mature enough individuals to know how to deal with it. if not, oh well.

hay. oo na. gimingaw na ko nimo. tsar.

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there is no single point of trauma that I can think of to explain how or why i react the way that i do. we were never poor, i was never mole...