Thursday, March 17, 2011

leave me alone.

what im listening to: must get out, Maroon 5

i'm in a funk and this is all your fault. you keep reminding me why i fell in love with you in the first place, and i hate it. i hate that i still think about you, i hate that people think we look good together, so much more than i do with him. i hate that there is no chance whatsoever for us to go back to that time when all that mattered was that we were together.

this feels like cheating, but who am i cheating with? with a memory of a love gone by? with a shadow of the past? then maybe it isn't cheating after all. but then, i keep thinking about you and i really hate it.

its times like these that i want to just sit and, well, cry silently. you stupid memory. leave me alone.

Friday, March 04, 2011

in an attempt to let it all out.

you bitch. stop ruining my life. stop stealing what's important to me. i don't want to be such an angry and jealous person, but you bring out that side of me.

please, just stop and leave me alone.


there is no single point of trauma that I can think of to explain how or why i react the way that i do. we were never poor, i was never mole...